Summary: ecasound - multitrack audio processing tool Name: ecasound Version: 2.9.0 Release: 1%{?dist} URL: Source:{version}.tar.gz License: GPL Group: Applications/Multimedia BuildRequires: ruby ruby-devel python python-devel BuildRequires: ncurses-devel readline-devel BuildRequires: alsa-lib-devel audiofile-devel BuildRequires: jack-audio-connection-kit-devel BuildRequires: libsamplerate-devel libsndfile-devel BuildRequires: texlive-latex hevea python-docutils BuildRequires: liboil-devel %description Ecasound is a software package designed for multitrack audio processing. It can be used for simple tasks like audio playback, recording and format conversions, as well as for multitrack effect processing, mixing, recording and signal recycling. Ecasound supports a wide range of audio inputs, outputs and effect algorithms. Effects and audio objects can be combined in various ways, and their parameters can be controlled by operator objects like oscillators and MIDI-CCs. A versatile console mode user-interface is included in the package. %package devel Summary: Ecasound - development files Group: Applications/Multimedia Requires: ecasound >= %{version}-%{release} %description devel The ecasound-devel package contains the header files and static libraries necessary for building apps like ecawave and ecamegapedal that directly link against ecasound libraries. %package -n libecasoundc Summary: Ecasound - libecasoundc Group: Applications/Multimedia Requires: ecasound >= %{version}-%{release} %description -n libecasoundc Ecasound - libecasoundc package. Provides C implementation of the Ecasound Control Interface (ECI). Both static library files and and header files are included in the package. %package -n pyecasound Summary: Python bindings to ecasound control interface. Group: Applications/Multimedia Requires: ecasound %description -n pyecasound Python bindings to Ecasound Control Interface (ECI). %package -n rubyecasound Summary: Ruby bindings to ecasound control interface. Group: Applications/Multimedia Requires: ecasound %description -n rubyecasound Ruby bindings to Ecasound Control Interface (ECI). %prep %setup -q -n ecasound-%{version} %build # add redhat/fedora optimizations, do not build with -g export AM_CFLAGS=" `echo %{optflags}|sed 's/-O2 -g//g'`" export AM_CXXFLAGS=" `echo %{optflags}|sed 's/-O2 -g//g'`" %configure --with-largefile --enable-shared make %{?_smp_mflags} # build the documentation cd Documentation/users_guide make ecasound_users_guide.pdf cd ../programmers_guide/ make docs %install make DESTDIR="%{buildroot}" install-strip ( cd pyecasound %python_compile_opt %python_compile %{__mkdir} -p %{buildroot}%{python_pkgsdir}/site-packages/ %{__install} *.pyc *.pyo %{buildroot}%{python_pkgsdir}/site-packages/ ) %files %doc NEWS COPYING COPYING.GPL COPYING.LGPL README INSTALL AUTHORS BUGS TODO examples %doc Documentation/users_guide/ecasound_users_guide.pdf %doc Documentation/users_guide/html_uguide %{_mandir}/man1/eca* %{_mandir}/man5/eca* %{_bindir}/ecasound %{_bindir}/ecaconvert %{_bindir}/ecafixdc %{_bindir}/ecamonitor %{_bindir}/ecanormalize %{_bindir}/ecalength %{_bindir}/ecaplay %{_bindir}/ecasignalview %{_datadir}/ecasound/ecasoundrc %{_datadir}/ecasound/ecasound.el %config %{_datadir}/ecasound/ecasoundrc %config %{_datadir}/ecasound/generic_oscillators %config %{_datadir}/ecasound/effect_presets %files devel %doc Documentation/programmers_guide/ecasound_programmers_guide.* %doc Documentation/programmers_guide/ecasound_eci_doc.pdf %doc Documentation/programmers_guide/html_ecidoc/ %{_bindir}/libecasound-config %{_includedir}/kvutils %{_includedir}/libecasound %{_libdir}/ %{_libdir}/libecasound.a %{_libdir}/ %{_libdir}/libkvutils.a %files -n libecasoundc %{_bindir}/libecasoundc-config %{_includedir}/libecasoundc %{_libdir}/ %{_libdir}/libecasoundc.a %files -n pyecasound %{python_pkgsdir}/site-packages/*.so %{python_pkgsdir}/site-packages/*.pyo %{python_pkgsdir}/site-packages/*.pyc %{python_pkgsdir}/site-packages/*.py %files -n rubyecasound %{ruby_sitedir}/ecasound.rb %changelog * Mon Aug 13 2012 Jørn Lomax 2.9.0-1 -updated to version 2.9.0 -Initial port to fedora * Thu Dec 2 2010 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.7.2-1 - updated to 2.7.2, added liboil build dependency * Tue Nov 24 2009 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.7.0-1 - updated to 2.7.0 * Fri Feb 20 2009 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.6.0-1 - updated to 2.6.0 - properly build documentation (html & pdf) * Tue Jun 17 2008 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano - added gcc 4.3 patch from gentoo ebuild for fc9 build * Thu Sep 20 2007 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano - updated to, added readline-devel build dependency to get readline support * Thu Jun 7 2007 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.4.5-1 - build on fc7, fix detection of python 2.5 * Thu May 10 2007 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.4.5-1 - updated to 2.4.5, fixed pyecasound build (lib64 issues) - spec file cleanup * Wed Dec 6 2006 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano - added --enable-shared to build on x86_64, deleted --disable-static * Fri Nov 24 2006 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.4.4-2 - updated spec file to use %%{?dist} * Sat May 6 2006 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.4.4-1 - updated to 2.4.4 * Wed Nov 30 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.4.3-1 - updated to 2.4.3 * Fri Aug 19 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.4.2-2 - updated to 2.4.2 - don't do any stripping (fixes fc3 build), was only needed when using automake 1.4 and rh9 uses 1.6 by default - erase old rh73 conditionals * Mon May 30 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano - changed obsolete tag Serial: to Epoch: and Copyright: to License: * Fri Apr 8 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.4.1-1 - updated to 2.4.1, removed support for building with arts * Tue Mar 22 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.4.0-1 - updated to 2.4.0, added patch to fix arts support (from cvs snapshot) * Sun Dec 19 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano - spec file cleanup * Mon Nov 15 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.3.5-1 - updated to 2.3.5 - add instruction ordering optimizations to build, ecasound uses AM_CFLAGS and AM_CXXFLAGS. Do not compile -g. * Wed May 5 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.3.3-1 - updated to 2.3.3 - forced use of python2 under 7.3 (can't use "import as" in 1.5) * Fri Dec 5 2003 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.3.2-1 - updated to 2.3.2, added rubyecasound * Wed Nov 19 2003 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.3.1-1 - added missing preset.h include file * Tue Nov 18 2003 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.3.1-1 - updated to 2.3.1 * Fri Nov 7 2003 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.3.0-2 - added flags for building with alsa > 0.9.8 * Fri Aug 29 2003 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.3.0-1 - updated to 2.3.0, added release tags * Wed Aug 20 2003 Kai Vehmanen - added 'AUTHORS' file * Wed May 21 2003 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.2.3-2 - rebuilt with --with-largefile option - added patch for audiofile support * Tue May 6 2003 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.2.3-1 - updated to 2.2.3 * Mon Apr 7 2003 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.2.2-1 - under rh9 the "install" macro call in the changelog was triggering a "package already defined debuginfo" error - updated to current cvs so that it can compile with the latest jack - fixed files lists * Tue Mar 18 2003 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 2.2.2-1 - updated to 2.2.2 * Sat Feb 15 2003 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano - updated to 2.2.1 * Mon Jan 20 2003 Kai Vehmanen - added Serial tag to differentiate between 2.2 pre and final releases * Sun Jan 19 2003 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano - rebuild 2.2.0 for Planet CCRMA * Sat Nov 02 2002 Kai Vehmanen - ported Fernando Lopez-Lezcano's changes to unify this spec file with PlanetCCRMA's ecasound package; see - ecasound.el added to package (installed as a data file to avoid dependency to emacs/elisp) - removed unnecessary raw documentation source files - man files are no longer installed as doc files - use redhat style mandir location * Thu Oct 31 2002 Kai Vehmanen - minor layout changes - added TODO to the package - changed to use rpmrc dir variables * Thu Oct 24 2002 Kai Vehmanen - added the COPYING files to the package * Thu Oct 17 2002 Kai Vehmanen - added the -devel package - fixed the build procedure to handle static builds * Wed Oct 16 2002 Kai Vehmanen - removed all shared libraries and subpackages containing them - ecamonitor binary added to main package * Sat Oct 05 2002 Kai Vehmanen - changed libecasoundc versioning back to normal libtool style * Thu Apr 25 2002 Kai Vehmanen - libraries put to separate subpackages, interface version numbers code to library names - ecasound-config renamed to libecasound-config - ecasoundc-config renamed to libecasoundc-config - plugin install dir changed from prefix/lib/ecasound-plugins to prefix/lib/libecasoundX-plugins - 'contrib' directory removed - ecasound-plugins subpackage renamed to libecasoundX-plugins * Mon Oct 01 2001 Kai Vehmanen - dropped the hardcoded python module path from configure argument list * Wed Jan 17 2001 Kai Vehmanen - python subpackage config (thanks to wrobell / PLD Linux!) * Sat Dec 06 2000 Kai Vehmanen - contrib and examples directories added to docs - ecasoundc-config added - libecasoundc added (C implementation of ECI) - a new package: pyecasound * Sat Nov 25 2000 Kai Vehmanen - ecasignalview added to the package. * Thu Aug 31 2000 Kai Vehmanen - Added /etc/ modification script. - Added DESTDIR to %%install. * Wed Aug 30 2000 Kai Vehmanen - 'ecasound-config' script added. * Sun Aug 20 2000 Kai Vehmanen - All Qt-related stuff removed. * Wed Jul 06 2000 Kai Vehmanen - Added the -plugins package. * Wed Jun 07 2000 Kai Vehmanen - ecaconvert added to the package. * Mon Jun 05 2000 Kai Vehmanen - Renamed ecatools programs. * Mon Apr 15 2000 Kai Vehmanen - Removed dynamic linking to ALSA libraries. You can get ALSA support by recompiling the source-RPM package. * Mon Feb 10 2000 Kai Vehmanen - Added libqtecasound to ecasound-qt. * Mon Nov 09 1999 Kai Vehmanen - A complete reorganization. Ecasound distribution is now divided to three RPMs: ecasound, ecasound-qt and ecasound-devel. * Mon Nov 08 1999 Kai Vehmanen - As Redhat stopped the RHCN project, so these rpms are again distributed via Redhat's contrib service - You can also get these from * Sun Aug 15 1999 Kai Vehmanen - Initial rhcn release.